*Standard T’s and C’s apply. This offer not available with any other offer. Redeemable for 45 days.

Valid with new orders, for purchases over $1250.

*Standard T’s and C’s apply. This offer not available with any other offer. Redeemable for 45 days.

Free iPad mini

Mini ipad

Every week, on Saturday * at 1.30 pm*, we will draw one name out of all the orders placed that week from Monday to Saturday. All you need to do is place your order by 1pm on Saturday to be eligible for that week’s draw. Of course, terms and conditions apply, just to protect ourselves a little. The idea is that rather than spending our money elsewhere on advertising, we thought of giving something back to our customers instead. What do you think?

So, what are you waiting for? Let us measure it up and give you a quote first. There is no obligation if you are not happy with it or if you don’t wish to proceed. If you do, we have an amazing team of experienced staff to bring your dreams to life and you never know, you could win an iPad mini too! Simply click below to get started.

ipad mini
ipad mini